Douglas Is Cancelled

ITV’s four-part series with a total of 90 shots including screen inserts, GFX updates and general cleanup.

Behind the scenes Douglas needs constant reassurance from his younger, tech savvy, social media aware co-anchor, Madeline (Karen Gillan). Regarded as a national treasure who, apparently, can do no wrong, Douglas’ life is privileged until he makes an ill-advised joke at his cousin’s wedding, which is overheard by a fellow guest, who threatens to expose his comments on social media. During the on-going hysteria & digital storm, Douglas’ alleged indiscretion is dissected & blown out of proportion, where everyone has an opinion. Struggling to escape the controversy, Douglas is in a chaotic & unmanageable situation, but can he count on the support of his agent and colleagues? What will Douglas do next? Is he a casualty of ‘cancel culture’? With 2 million followers, what is Madeline’s motivation to post on Douglas’s behalf? Friend or foe? That is the question.